Workshop “How we prepare our online course for the new academic year?”

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) of the University of West Attica organized a workshop on Wednesday 1 November 2023 at 12:00 – 13:30 online via MS Teams.


The workshop was about eClass and Moodle, two popular Learning Management Systems, which are used by the academic community of the University of West Attica. At the beginning of each academic year, various issues arise regarding the reconfiguration of an existing course on the online platforms. So how do we prepare our online course for the new academic year? How do we clean up the “traces” left by students from the previous year? How do we keep backups of our course? How do we renew a course? All these questions and many more were answered by the managers of the UniWA Network Centre, Mr. Petros Kyriazis and Ms. Maria Litsardaki, during this online workshop.


You can watch the workshop in Greek on Center for Teaching & Learning @ UniWA youtube channel: